«Jamones Pepe», internationalization workshop

Today, I am going to develop at the University of Economics in Bratislava the third of the workshops this week. This time the goal is to show «in real» the possibilities that the Internet, especially the new social web tools, have for the internationalization of small businesses.


View more presentations from fcheca.

To do this, as an example that can be extrapolated to all over of the world, I have decided to «invent» a business based on «Jamones Pepe», one Trevelez family that sells hams and who decide to start on the Internet.

During the workshop we will create all the accounts, from e-mail to a channel on Youtube (if the «beta effect» allow me, because I have only one hour and half to do all…).

Let´s go then! 🙂

P.S.: Obviously, the family photo is not «Pepe family.» I can not remember their name, but I hope they do not care to be used as an example of «ham producers» …

Social Media in the European Institutions

Today I will give at the Economic University of Bratislava, in the Faculty of Commerce, a lecture on the use of social networks in the field of European Union institutions.

The presentation, about one hour and a half, will review the situation of change that occurs in the area of citizens’ relations with their governments, issues such as «hacktivism» or movements such as the # 15M, to finishing doing a review the actions that some European institutions are developing in the area of ​​Social Media

My first lecture here. Today is a very special day….

Social media around the world

Finally I have started to work in my research project about the use of the Social Media in Slovakia and the experience is being great. Bratislava is a nice city, their people are cute, and the University of Economics in Bratislava has become my second home in just few days.

For this reason, and as I wrote some weeks ago, I am going to start (to try…) some posts in English, specially in the case of Social Media. Today I have found this very interesting research and it´s my pleasure to share it in Infoconocimiento. It is an excellent work and I guess my project could have results like that.

Anyway, enjoy with this presentation (and sorry for my horrible English… 😉 )

Un largo paréntesis

Durante los últimos meses he estado muy poco activo en Infoconocimiento. Han sido meses en los que he fijado mi residencia en Malta, un precioso país en el que disfruto del mar, de una temperatura privilegiada y en el que he situado mi base de operaciones para la formación que he estado impartiendo sobre Social Media durante todo el año, tanto en su modalidad presencial como on line. En Malta estoy a cargo del Campus del EMUI, aunque ciertamente los tiempos que corren no nos permiten tener una sede en condiciones y hemos tenido que parar algunos de los proyectos que teníamos entre manos. En cualquier caso todo indica que el próximo año 2012 podremos tener creada una infraestructura en Malta que nos permita afrontar el establecimiento formal de nuestro instituto en la isla.

A partir de octubre, no obstante, y durante tres meses, me traslado a vivir a Bratislava, la capital de Eslovaquia. Hace pocas semanas que fui premiado con la obtención de una beca para investigar allí durante una temporada. El proyecto que voy a desarrollar tratará de recoger la situación actual de las empresas eslovacas frente al uso de los Social Media e intentaremos poder acercarnos a la creación de una serie de pautas o consejos que permitan establecer patrones de uso responsable y optimizado de las nuevas relaciones establecidas con el uso de la Web Social.

Durante el tiempo que voy a permanecer en Eslovaquia estaré asociado a la Universidad Económica de Bratislava, a su Facultad de Comercio, que desde el primer momento me han ofrecido todo el apoyo con cordialidad absolutamente excepcional. Es por ello que, pese a que mi inglés escrito es infinitamente peor que mi lamentable inglés oral, a lo largo de los próximos meses voy a intentar que en Infoconocimiento aparezcan algunos posts redactados en la lengua de Shakespeare. No se trata de snobismo por mi parte, sino más bien de una pequeña ayuda de cara a los que van a ser mis compañeros y «sujetos de investigación» durante ese tiempo. Así pues, de antemano pido perdón si por las barbaridades que puedan colarse en estos escritos.

Así pues… cerramos paréntesis (o lo abrimos de nuevo, como se quiera…)

In the last months there have been a poor activity in Infoconocimiento. It has been months that I’ve set my residence in Malta, a beautiful country that permit me enjoy the sea and the weather and in which I´ve placed the base of operations for my work: the training I’ve been teaching about Social Media throughout the year, both face to face and online. In Malta I am in charge of  EMUI Campus, though certainly these days do not allow us to have a building and we have had to stop some of our projects. In any case, it appears that next year, 2012, we´ll have created in Malta an infrastructure that allows us to deal with the formal establishment of our Institute on the island.

However, from October, and for three months, I´m going to live to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. A few weeks ago I was awarded a scholarship to research there for a while. The project I´m going to develop try to collect the current situation of Slovak firms over the use of social media and also try to approach the creation of a set of guidelines or advice that establish patterns and optimized the responsible use of new relations established with the use of the Social Web.

During the time I’m going to stay in Slovakia I´ll be associated with the University of Economics in Bratislava, the Faculty of Commerce. From the first time, they have offered me all his support with absolutely exceptional warmth. That is why, although my written English is infinitely worse than my pitiful spoken English, over the coming months I will try to write some posts in Infoconocimiento in the language of Shakespeare. This is not snobbery on my part, but rather a little help to those who will be my companions and «research subjects» during that time. So I apologize in advance if they can sneak the atrocities in these writings.

So … close parenthesis (or open it again, whatever you want …)