«Jamones Pepe», internationalization workshop
Today, I am going to develop at the University of Economics in Bratislava the third of the workshops this week. This time the goal is to show «in real» the possibilities that the Internet, especially the new social web tools, have for the internationalization of small businesses.
To do this, as an example that can be extrapolated to all over of the world, I have decided to «invent» a business based on «Jamones Pepe», one Trevelez family that sells hams and who decide to start on the Internet.
During the workshop we will create all the accounts, from e-mail to a channel on Youtube (if the «beta effect» allow me, because I have only one hour and half to do all…).
Let´s go then! 🙂
P.S.: Obviously, the family photo is not «Pepe family.» I can not remember their name, but I hope they do not care to be used as an example of «ham producers» …